Blog Articles

CAVAT and Urban Trees: Valuing the Invaluable

CAVAT and Urban Trees: Valuing the Invaluable

In the realm of urban planning and environmental conservation, the significance of green spaces is highly significant but is easily overlooked by policy makers, land managers and in some cases communities in which they area situated. Trees are an important part of our...

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Growing Green: Managing Urban Forests with I-Tree 

Growing Green: Managing Urban Forests with I-Tree 

In the midst of bustling cities, where concrete dominates the landscape, the importance of the urban forest cannot be overstated. The urban forest provides essential ecological, social, and economic benefits, from purifying the air to offering a respite from the urban...

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Unveiling the Ecological Benefits of English Oak 

Unveiling the Ecological Benefits of English Oak 

In the verdant landscapes of the United Kingdom, one tree species stands as an enduring symbol of strength, resilience, and ecological significance—the English Oak (Quercus robur). Renowned for its majestic presence, this native tree plays a crucial role in shaping...

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How Do Trees Help The Environment?

Trees mark the paths we take in more ways than one: traditionally used as markers when seeking direction, they also have roots in people’s lives, whether it’s a poplar used as a natural climbing frame, the willow in a wedding photograph or an oak planted in...

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What Is Japanese Knotweed (And Why You Need To Know About It)

It might look pretty, but getting rid of Japanese knotweed can be an ugly business. Since it’s introduction to the UK in the mid-19th Century as an ornamental plant, the question of how to treat Japanese Knotweed has been one leaving gardeners in a tangle. A Japanese...

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Rowan Tree – Sorbus Aucuparia

The common rowan tree (Sorbus aucuparia), sometimes known as a mountain ash in the UK is one of many deciduous trees  (sometimes also found as a shrub).  It has silvery, smooth bark, pinnate (feathery) foliage and dense clusters of blossoms, which develop into...

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What Is A BS5837 Tree Survey?

Those who work in construction, demolition, design or renovation will be more than familiar with the BS5837 survey, but what exactly is it? The British Standard for trees in relation to construction was updated in 2012 and is required by a local planning council...

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How Long Is A Tree Survey Valid For?

When a tree survey is carried out – regardless of its reasoning – there will always be a limit to its validity. The same is true for domestic and commercial building surveyors, but why? People who carry out surveys, no matter the industry, will be responsible for the...

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